SaaS Project Management: Key Principles and Best Practices

Michelle Cobb, PhD

Written by Michelle Cobb

Dr. Michelle Cobb was a software engineer prior to obtaining her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. She combined her skills while working as an Assistant Professor at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine to lead the design, development, and evaluation of web and mobile phone applications targeted to help people manage anxiety and depression. In 2017, Dr. Cobb joined JH Media Group, an agency that has focused on the design and build of SaaS systems since 2002. She currently serves as CEO.

July 11, 2023



Software as a Service (SaaS) is a software delivery model in which the software application is hosted and maintained by the provider on a cloud server and accessed by the users over the internet. The project manager or project management team plays a critical role in SaaS development and the success of a SaaS business. This article will provide an overview of SaaS project management, including key principles, common challenges, and best practices.

Understanding SaaS Project Management

SaaS project management refers to the planning, organization, and control of a SaaS software project. SaaS project managers manage resources, set timelines, anticipate and mitigate risks, handle communications, and ensure the project is completed within time and budgetary constraints.  Unlike other projects, which have clearly defined beginnings and ends, a SaaS system is likely to undergo continuing, iterative development. As a result of this fundamental distinction, there are methodologies and practices specific to SaaS project management which we will describe later in this article.

Key Principles of SaaS Project Management

Stakeholder Management

Stakeholder management sits at the heart of SaaS project management, given the multitude of parties involved in a SaaS business. SaaS project managers play a pivotal role in harmonizing the efforts across diverse teams—spanning design, development, quality assurance (QA), deployment, and customer support—to achieve shared objectives. They also need to foster productive collaboration with SaaS product management to ensure the seamless execution of projects that underpin the product’s strategic vision.

However, stakeholder management in the SaaS realm goes beyond internal coordination. It also demands a keen understanding and consideration of external stakeholder needs, including customers and investors. By skillfully managing these relationships, SaaS project managers can help drive decisions that align with both business objectives and stakeholder expectations.

Agile Methodology

Successful software companies prioritize customer feedback to continuously improve their software. Agile project management is a methodology explicitly designed to cater to this need. In the Agile approach, a SaaS project is divided into time-boxed units, often lasting two weeks, known as sprints. Each sprint aims to produce a workable, albeit simplified, version of the product, ready to be shared with customers or target market representatives for feedback. This feedback serves as a compass for subsequent sprints, enabling the development team to adjust and refine the product. As a result, each product iteration becomes increasingly aligned with the customer’s needs, fostering a product evolution that’s responsive and adaptive.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) are essential practices within Agile project management, designed to facilitate frequent software releases. They rely on storing the SaaS codebase under version control systems to effectively track and manage changes. Developers are encouraged to commit code changes regularly to this codebase. Upon detection of these changes, automation tools spring into action to build, package, and deploy the revised software to the appropriate environment. This could range from a development environment for ongoing work, a testing environment for Quality Assurance (QA), a staging environment for customer feedback and final testing, to a production environment where the updated version becomes accessible to customers.

CI/CD also integrates automated testing. For instance, unit tests and automated User Interface (UI) test suites can be triggered whenever code changes are committed. Should any of these tests fail, the release is blocked, thereby ensuring that only thoroughly vetted and error-free software updates are deployed. This automated process enhances efficiency, reduces human error, and accelerates the overall development cycle in SaaS project management.

Common Challenges for the SaaS Project Manager

Managing diverse and distributed teams

The SaaS project manager must be an expert communicator who can manage diverse and distributed teams. This includes onboarding and offboarding team members efficiently.

Feature Creep

Feature creep, also known as scope creep, is a common issue in project management where the project’s scope gradually expands beyond its original objectives. It often happens due lack of clarity regarding the SaaS system’s initial requirements and goals, as well as changing stakeholder expectations.

Scalability and Growth

SaaS project managers must incorporate scalability considerations into their planning and decision-making processes from the start. This might include choosing scalable technologies, instituting well-documented processes, and implementing CI/CD.

Keeping Up to Date

Keeping a SaaS product up-to-date with fast-paced technological changes requires time and money, as well as the ability to balance the need to stay current with the need to operate within resource constraints. SaaS project managers also need to foster a culture of continuous learning within their team to stay informed and avoid skills deficits.

Best Practices for SaaS Project Managers

Defining the Minimal Viable Product (MVP)

To align the project scope with business goals, as well as avoid feature creep and plan with scalability in mind, a minimal viable product (MVP) and its functional and non-functional requirements should be clearly defined in writing from the outset. 

Implementing Change Control Processes

Any proposed changes to the project’s scope should go through a formal change control process, which includes evaluating the impact on the project’s time, cost, and resources. A prioritization framework such as MoSCoW (Must have, Should have, Could have, Won’t have) can also help to focus on delivering the most valuable features first.


The project manager should keep a record of all project decisions, changes, and their impact. This can provide valuable insights for future projects, and help avoid repeated instances of scope creep.The project goals, development and deployment process should also be well-documented to onboard new team members more smoothly.

Regular Communication with Stakeholders

Regular meetings and updates with stakeholders can help manage their expectations and keep the project aligned with its original objectives. For example, brief daily scrum meetings with the project team will keep the team aligned, foster collaboration, and help to identify and manage challenges before they become problematic.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Data on project progress, resources used, and the time taken to complete tasks can inform decisions about where to allocate resources and how to schedule future projects more efficiently. SaaS project management involves monitoring KPIs and other performance metrics such as load times, uptime, and error rates. Any anomalies or trends detected in these metrics can prompt further investigation and action.

Investing in Effective Project Management Tools

SaaS project managers will need a variety of tools to work effectively, including an issue/task tracking system (e.g., Jira, Asana), a workspace to house documentation (e.g., Confluence), messaging (e.g., Slack) and video conferencing (e.g., Zoom), and time tracking tools (e.g., Harvest). To enable CI/CD,  code versioning systems (e.g., Git) and build automation software (e.g., Jenkins) are required as well, in addition to automated testing tools such as unit testing frameworks (e.g., RSpec, PHPUnit) and UI testing software (e.g., Katalon Studio). 

Such tools offer powerful integrations. For example, Bitbucket Cloud, a Git solution, can integrate with Jira such that relevant code changes can be viewed from within a Jira ticket. Harvest can also integrate with Jira so that the effort spent on each ticket can be tracked with precision, allowing the SaaS project manager to, for example, compare estimated versus actual effort. Further, Bitbucket can integrate with Slack such team members can be notified when code changes are committed to the codebase. These are just a few examples of the ways that effective tooling can support automation, data-driven decision making, and collaboration.


At its heart, SaaS project management demands deft stakeholder management, the application of Agile methodologies, and the deployment of CI/CD. With these key principles in place, project managers can foster an adaptive and responsive development process that aligns with customer needs.

However, the road to successful SaaS project management is riddled with challenges, ranging from managing diverse and distributed teams, averting feature creep, ensuring scalability, and keeping up with rapid technological advancements. Yet, these challenges are far from insurmountable. By implementing best practices such as defining the Minimal Viable Product, establishing change control processes, maintaining thorough documentation, capitalizing on powerful and integrated project management tools, and leveraging data-driven decision-making, SaaS project managers can navigate these hurdles effectively.

In essence, SaaS project management is a dynamic and complex field, demanding a combination of technical proficiency, effective communication, strategic planning, and sound decision-making. However, by understanding its key principles, preparing for its inherent challenges, and leveraging its best practices, project managers can effectively guide their SaaS projects from conception to completion, delivering value to customers and stakeholders alike.


What is SaaS project management?
SaaS project management refers to the planning, organization, and control of a software as a Service (SaaS) software project. SaaS project managers manage resources, set timelines, anticipate and mitigate risks, handle communications, and ensure the project is completed on time and within budget.
What are the key principles of SaaS project management?
Key principles of Saas project management include stakeholder management, Agile methodology, and Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD).
What are the best practices in SaaS project management?
Best practices in SaaS project management include clarifying project requirements, establishing change control processes, maintaining thorough documentation, capitalizing on powerful and integrated project management tools, and leveraging data-driven decision-making.
What are the challenges of SaaS project management?
Challenges of SaaS project management include managing diverse and distributed teams, avoiding feature creep, planning for scalability, and keeping up with fast-paced technological advancements.
What are some tools available for SaaS project management?
Tools available for SaaS project management include issue/task tracking systems (e.g., Jira, Asana), code versioning systems (e.g., Git), build automation tools (e.g., Jenkins), and communication tools (e.g., Slack, Zoom, Microsoft Teams).
How do I choose the right SaaS project management tools?
When choosing a SaaS project management tool, consider your project needs, ease of use, essential features and integration capabilities, scalability, security, budget, and quality of customer support. Make use of trial periods to evaluate the tool.
What are the future trends in SaaS project management?
Future trends in SaaS project management include increased use of AI and machine learning for data analysis and decision-making, increased use of remote and distributed teams, and enhanced integration capabilities for better workflow management.